It can be quite stressful if you are stopped by the police, especially if you’ve never encountered legal problems before. Whether it's a traffic stop or you’re stopped while walking down the street, it’s important to know your rights and what you should and should not...
Criminal Defense
Teens, avoid shopping with friends who steal
Imagine going shopping with a friend. You might know that they have a history of shoplifting, but you wouldn't think that would affect you personally. Unfortunately, if they get caught and you're with them, then you could be accused of participating in that theft as...
Withdrawing a guilty plea is possible in some cases
It's not usually advisable to plead guilty to a crime or to admit that you did something wrong, but some people believe that saying they are guilty will help them protect themselves against serious penalties. The reality could not be further from that. In fact,...
These 4 kinds of defenses could help fight a DUI
Though there are many ways that an attorney can help you fight a DWI charge, it's important that the right technique is used in your defense. Depending on the reason for the traffic stop and the factors that played a role in the DWI, certain defense options may be...
What are New York’s gun laws like?
Did you know that New York has some of the most stringent gun laws in all of America? It earned an A- in the Annual Gun Law Scorecard produced by the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.The state takes gun violence very seriously, so if you are caught with a...
Hacking laws are serious: Don’t forget a defense
You love to be on the computer. You've always been interested in coding and pushing the limits of technology.Recently, you got in with a new crowd. One of them sent you a link and asked if you could get into the site to make a few changes. You did without considering...
You have the right to remain silent, and you probably should
Like other people here in New York and across the country, when you feel stressed or feel you are "in trouble," your natural instinct is to explain yourself. This may not cause you much harm if you are explaining to your boss why you didn't meet a deadline, but it...
Accused of driving dangerously while drunk? Learn your options
You didn't think that you had done anything wrong, but an officer pulled you over and claimed you had been weaving in and out of traffic. They started accusing you of racing another vehicle that had been driving the same route in the next lane. You had no idea what...
Facing trial? A defense can help
Defending yourself after being charged with a crime is important if you want to minimize the risk of penalties. Whether you intended to commit a crime or did so accidentally, you deserve an opportunity to defend yourself against any allegations you face.Criminal...
How can you defend yourself against criminal charges?
When you have to go to court over a criminal charge, you'll hear people tell you over and over again that you need to defend yourself. Do you know what that means, though?There are many ways you can defend yourself and look better in the eyes of the court. From...