As a driver in New York, you have probably seen first-hand how significant the problem of distracted driving is in the state. Maybe you looked at the car next to you at a stoplight and saw a person putting on makeup, or perhaps you saw the glow of a phone screen in a person’s hand while also traveling down the interstate at night. Distracted driving can take many forms, and they are all dangerous.
New York authorities are working on ways to bring awareness to the problem of distracted driving and reduce the number of distraction-related accidents in the state. April is Distracted Driving Awareness month, and several organizations are working together to make the roads safer for everyone. These groups want to educate drivers on the importance of being aware and putting their phones down while driving.
A serious safety concern
You, like many others, may believe that distracted driving is a serious epidemic that compromises the safety of every motorist in the state. The Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee is working on a safety awareness campaign that will involve putting up billboards, running ads on the radio and promoting distraction awareness on television.
You are aware that New York has laws in place that prohibit all types of handheld devices while behind the wheel. This includes phones, GPS devices, iPods and more. Texting and driving and other functions of smartphones are the leading sources of distracted driving, and they significantly increase the chance of an accident. Despite the regulations in place and offering drivers plenty of places to pull over for texting or making a call, distraction remains a serious concern.
The impact of distraction
Distracted driving has the potential to impact innocent New York families. From striking a state employee doing work on the shoulder to causing an accident that leaves people with serious or fatal injuries, distraction has the potential to cause devastating consequences. There is no excuse for this type of behavior, and drivers are always responsible for the choices they make while behind the wheel.
If you or a loved one is the victim of a distracted driver, you do not have to face the aftermath on your own. You could be eligible for financial compensation through a civil claim. No matter what laws are in place or how strongly officials promote safety, people may still choose to endanger others with their reckless and negligent choices. You do not have to suffer alone, but you can take steps to hold liable parties accountable.