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New York police officer involved in DUI situation, as a defendant

On Behalf of | Jan 22, 2018 | DWI |

Every once in a while a situation arises where one of New York’s finest is accused of criminal activity. This type of incident recently occurred when police officers arrested a man on suspicion of DUI. It just so happened the man was an off-duty cop himself.

The initial event that led to the charges was an automobile accident that occurred more than a month ago. The 30-year-old was said to have been driving at excessive speeds when he lost control of his steering. The vehicle smashed into a guardrail and flipped over.

It was approximately 3 a.m. when the crash took place and no one but the officer himself was injured. His injuries were minor. However, investigators said they suspected the seven-year veteran of driving while intoxicated. Officials stripped him of his badge and gun. He was removed from a distinguished position he held that involved community affairs.

The police officer reportedly surrendered on a recent Friday to face DUI charges. His superiors have suspended him without pay pending the outcome of the proceedings.  It takes far more than a single vehicle collision to constitute guilt in a drunk driving case. Anyone in New York facing similar charges is guaranteed the right to present as strong a defense as possible; typically, the best way to do that is to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney who understands the ins and outs of the system and can determine what type of strategy has the best chance of helping a defendant avoid conviction.

Source: New York Daily News, “Off-duty cop charged with drunken driving a month after crash“, Esha Ray, Thomas Tracy, Jan. 13, 2018


Law Offices of Joseph J. Tock