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What charges can be filed for drunk or impaired driving?

On Behalf of | Mar 7, 2019 | Criminal Defense |

DWI crimes can be penalized harshly in New York, so if you’re thinking of drinking and driving, it’s better to reassess your options. New York’s DUI laws are designed to combat drunk driving, which means they are strict and harsh.

You will be considered legally intoxicated once your blood alcohol content (BAC) reaches .08 percent. At that point, you can legally be arrested for driving while intoxicated. Keep in mind that you may also face arrest at a lower limit if you are driving dangerously, though the charges may be less.

New York has several DWI charges it could enter against a drunk driver. These include:

  • Chemical test refusal, which is issued against those who will not take blood, breath or urine tests upon request
  • Zero-tolerance violations, which are issued against those under 21 who are caught with a BAC of .02 percent or greater
  • DWAI/drugs, which is a law issuing DWI charges for drug use and impairment
  • DWAI, which stands for driving while ability impaired, which can be issued against those who have BACs of .05 to .07 percent.

With so many potential charges, it’s simple for the state to find the right one for someone who was intoxicated behind the wheel. Your defense attorney’s job is to help make sure the charges are accurate and that you have the best chance of fighting them.

Penalties can cost thousands and lead to jail terms. Don’t leave your defense to chance; The right help with your DWI case can assist you in protecting yourself and making sure your best interests are considered.


Law Offices of Joseph J. Tock