Whenever a masked man is sought for a robbery or attempted robbery, an arrest must be looked at carefully by criminal defense counsel because of the potential of a mistaken identification. In Dutchess County, the police arrested a 26-year-old Hyde Park male on felony...
Year: 2015
Man awaits extradition to face sex offenses charges in New York
When a fugitive from one state is arrested in another state, the accused person will decide whether to contest or to waive extradition. In a current case, a New York man was arrested in another state on a warrant from this state that alleges sex offenses against him....
Officer causes accident, charged with drunk driving and speeding
The DWI defendant is entitled to a vigorous defense in court just like any other individual accused of crime. Attorneys who are experienced in this area of New York criminal law are familiar with a variety of defenses applicable in drunk driving cases. DWI defense...
Criminal defense may rest on extreme emotional disturbance
A defendant accused of second degree murder will sometimes interject one or more defenses to get the murder charge reduced to manslaughter. In New York, for example, one statutory provision provides that a defendant charged with intentional murder may present an...
More FIFA officials hit with felony charges by Justice Dept.
When the United States wants to charge alleged offenders located in other countries, it must show that there is legal authority to prosecute them in this country. The general rule is that there must be a link between the alleged criminal actions and the United States....
Police sting at State Fair nets many arrests for sex offenses
State officials were out in force at the New York State Fair this month in an effort to apprehend prostitutes and other sex offenders. During the five days of the fair, nearly 30 people were arrested for sex offenses. Authorities arrested 18 women for prostitution and...
White collar felony charges leveled against four business owners
The New York Inspector General recently announced the arrest of four business owners on fraud and theft charges with respect to alleged violations of the state's workers' compensation system. The law requires that each employer must carry workers' compensation...
Former lawmaker convicted of felony charges may get house arrest
Occasionally, a convicted defendant's terminal health condition will affect the nature of the sentence that is imposed. In one white collar criminal conviction in New York state, the U.S. Attorney has relinquished an attempt to have a former powerful state...
Felony charges against 17 for running Internet gambling ring
New York authorities on Oct. 29 participated in the arrest of 17 persons spread through four states for running what the police called a "highly sophisticated" crime enterprise centered around gambling on the Internet. The alleged group members used offshore gambling...
Man charged with criminal offense in fraternity hazing death
It's not unusual to hear that excessive fraternity hazing resulted in death or serious injury. The subject is topical right now due to at least two deaths in the state attributed to hazing in the past year. The most recent event occurred in Nov. 2014 when a...