Several New York men have been arrested for possible credit card fraud and now face felony charges. Police believe that the credit card scheme is widespread. The men were caught when they were stopped by law enforcement on the interstate. Police allegedly found evidence of the credit card scheme in the vehicle before the men were arrested and given felony charges.
Police believe that the credit card scheme was centered around encoding credit cards with false numbers. The men supposedly also had the ability to change the banking account information that was related to the magnetic strip on the back. Police have indicated that there is ample evidence to support and validate the felony fraud charges.
When the men were arrested, police found possible incriminating evidence in the vehicle that included a device used to forge credit card information. Several of the men connected to the crime group were from New York. In addition to the financial fraud charges, additional charges levied against some of the individuals included contributing to the delinquency of a minor, resisting arrest, delaying a police investigation and more. One of those arrested was a juvenile; he was taken into custody at a juvenile detention center. It has not been indicated if any of the men have secured legal counsel.
Credit card fraud is an increasingly common problem across the country. However, the men facing these felony charges still have the right to legal counsel, due process and to know what evidence is brought against them. While the evidence supposedly linking the men to this criminal activity seems conclusive, it is important to remember that they have not yet been convicted of any crimes.
Source:, Investigators: Four men, juvenile charged with credit card fraud scheme, Shavonne Potts, March 14, 2014