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Knockout game gets a New York man felony charges for assault

On Behalf of | Jan 9, 2014 | Felonies |

There are games that people play to have fun, but some games can be a bit out of line. A recent report of a game called the “Knockout Game” got a man arrested and charged with multiple misdemeanor and felony charges. These types of games are obviously not legal in New York, and the person or people responsible may not have considered the consequences.

The game the report was referring to was a game where the point is to hit a stranger walking down the street with one punch and knock them out. The 35-year-old man who was arrested this past week allegedly played the game by punching at least six women of various ages over a month-long span of time. At least three of the women assaulted were elderly.

The man is reportedly facing an array of both misdemeanor and felony charges as a result of his alleged actions. Since three of the women he is charged with allegedly assaulting are senior citizens, the man is charged with three felonies. The other alleged assaults he is charged with are misdemeanors. The police reportedly wanted the man to be charged with the assaults as hate crimes, but apparently the district attorney did not agree and only listed the charges as assaults.

It was not reported that the man has obtained representation, but with the misdemeanor and felony charges he is now faced with in New York, it would be wise of him to obtain assistance to help him deal with these charges. The man’s defense team would be responsible for finding any errors or mishaps in the prosecution’s team, which could lessen his possible sentence. A person in this type of situation could certainly benefit from having the help of a knowledgable defense team.

Source: CNN, New York man charged with assault in 6 alleged ‘knockout’ assaults, Jason Hanna and Ray Sanchez, Jan. 7, 2014


Law Offices of Joseph J. Tock